Paper has been part of our life for many years. Around 105 A.D the Chinese invented paper but they kept it a secret for many years until Europeans discovered it and started to manufacture it. Now days the United States and Canada are the world’s largest producers of paper and paper products. The following countries with the largest paper production are Finland, Japan, and Sweden, which produce significant amounts of wood pulp and newsprint. The question is how do they produce paper? There are two basic steps which synthesized the process of making paper.
The first thing to do is decide and obtain the raw material because paper can be made from almost any fibrous material. The Arabs used to make it out of linen and flax and rags, or out of various vegetable fibers. We still use all of these things and many others like hemp and jute, cornstalk, straw, old rope, bamboo, and many others, but the main thing we use is wood. When the paper industry start miles of trees had to be cut down in order to make just a few hundred feet of paper, but modern plants frequently use scraps left over from lumber mills and the parts of trees that are too small to make into lumber, as well as trees specially grown for the paper mill.
After a long process of cleaning the raw material, chipping, digesting, beating and churning the fibers that are formed, it pass to the next step which is screening where the now latex consistency pulp mixture passes through a strainer that takes out any remaining lumps and is then sent to the machine which will turn into paper. The pulp mixture runs as a filmy sheet upon a fast moving belt of fine copper wire mesh. The belt carries it along, letting the water drip out of it and also drawing the water out by suction; and it shakes the pulp a bit from side to side to settle the fibers firmly. Then the paper is bloated, squeezed, dried and ironed.
Paper is something really valued that during the American Revolution, paper was so hard to find that soldiers ripped pages from books to use them as wadding for their rifles around and in now days the U.S. paper and forest products industry accounts for approximately 5 percent of U.S. manufacturing gross domestic product; is among the top 10 manufacturing employers in 48 states; and employs nearly 900,000 people earning $50 billion annually. That is why I think nowing where and how does the paper comes from is important for us, also we have to learn to recycle it and try to used it in the best way.
a) Attention Graber
b) General Statement
c) Thesis Statement
Body 1 / Body 2
a) Topic Sentence
b) Supporting Ideas
c) Concluding Sentence
a) Summary
b) Feelings
c) Opinion