martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

My Grandpa´s Bed

Grandpa´s bed 

       Today I went to visit my grandpa´s house, it is old and rustic but if you see it carefully you can admire a really beautiful view from the inside. Since I was 3 years old the first place where I go when I visit my grandpa is his room. Why? Because I love his bed. I don´t know how, but his bed has almost 50 years old and still comfortable and solid. I love that bed and my grandpa always surprised me with another story of that awsome bed.

         He told me that he bought that bed when he built the house, he wanted to start a new life with my Grandma so they bought everything new. At that time it was really expensive, but when they spent the first night on it they knew that it was worth it, he told me that it felt like sleeping in heaven. And I surely proved it later sleeping on it at any chance I had. My granpa is not a emotional or expresive person, but when he talk about his bed you can see sparkles in his eyes and the passionate face that he makes when he remembers the happy moments.

         I like the bed and I asked my grandpa how does that bed has lasted for so many years. In my mind I can´t explain that and he neither. He only says that he is very lucky to buy it in that time, because he has very good memories of it. He will not change it even for a new one, i asked him if he will leave it to me when he passes away but he didn´t answer me, he doesn´t want to make preferences between his grandsons but I think that I´m the favorite because I´m the closest to him. He once told me that his last wish before he die it would be to die on his bed, calmly close his eyes and never woke up.   

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