lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

How Paper Is Made

         Paper has been part of our life for many years. Around 105 A.D the Chinese invented paper but they kept it a secret for many years until Europeans discovered it and started to manufacture it. Now days the United States and Canada are the world’s largest producers of paper and paper products. The following countries with the largest paper production are Finland, Japan, and Sweden, which produce significant amounts of wood pulp and newsprint. The question is how do they produce paper? There are two basic steps which synthesized the process of making paper.

         The first thing to do is decide and obtain the raw material because paper can be made from almost any fibrous material. The Arabs used to make it out of linen and flax and rags, or out of various vegetable fibers. We still use all of these things and many others like hemp and jute, cornstalk, straw, old rope, bamboo, and many others, but the main thing we use is wood. When the paper industry start miles of trees had to be cut down in order to make just a few hundred feet of paper, but modern plants frequently use scraps left over from lumber mills and the parts of trees that are too small to make into lumber, as well as trees specially grown for the paper mill. 

          After a long process of cleaning the raw material, chipping, digesting, beating and churning the fibers that are formed, it pass to the next step which is  screening where the now latex consistency pulp mixture passes through a strainer that takes out any remaining lumps and is then sent to the machine which will turn into paper. The pulp mixture runs as a filmy sheet upon a fast moving belt of fine copper wire mesh. The belt carries it along, letting the water drip out of it and also drawing the water out by suction; and it shakes the pulp a bit from side to side to settle the fibers firmly. Then the paper is bloated, squeezed, dried and ironed.

               Paper is something really valued that during the American Revolution, paper was so hard to find that soldiers ripped pages from books to use them as wadding for their rifles around and in now days the U.S. paper and forest products industry accounts for approximately 5 percent of U.S. manufacturing gross domestic product; is among the top 10 manufacturing employers in 48 states; and employs nearly 900,000 people earning $50 billion annually. That is why I think nowing where and how does the paper comes from is important for us, also we have to learn to recycle it and try to used it in the best way.


a) Attention Graber
b) General Statement
c) Thesis Statement

Body 1 / Body 2

a) Topic Sentence
b) Supporting Ideas
c) Concluding Sentence


a) Summary
b) Feelings
c) Opinion 

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014


Title: How Paper Is Made

Thesis Statement: 
There are two basic steps to making paper.

Fact 1:
The first thing to do is to cut down the trees.

Paper comes from trees so the first thing to do is to cut them down.

Fact 2:
Fibers called cellulose are sprayed on screen.

Trees are submitted to different process until it changes into fibers which are sprayed on screen.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Causes Of Tsunamis

Did you know that if you have been caught by a tsunami wave, it is better not to swim, but rather to grab a floating object and allow the current to carry you? This is an interesting fact of how try to survive from a tsunami. This information will be well used by the citizen from the states of Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California because these are the states in the U.S. at greatest risk for a tsunami. That is why I want to talk about the factors that cause the formation of a tsunami and how does it affects on the population.

         A tsunami is usually caused by an earthquake but can also be caused by a volcanic eruption, landslide, rapid changes in atmospheric pressure, or a meteorite. The undersea earthquakes, which typically occur at boundaries between Earth’s tectonic plates, cause the water above to be moved up or down. Tsunami waves are formed as the displaced water, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to find a stable position again. Landslides can be caused by large earthquakes, can also cause tsunami waves.Volcano eruptions can create enough force to elevate the water column and generate a tsunami. And the last one, asteroid impacts disturb the water from above. For example about 4800 years ago an asteroid struck in the Indian Ocean, the tsunami that resulted is theorized to have been aproximately 600 feet or 180 m high.

          Tsunamis are obviously a natural disaster, humans are not 100 percent prepared or ready to support one and the effects of the tsunami are too many. Approximately 99% of all tsunami related fatalities have occurred within 160 miles or 250 km of the tsunami’s origin or within 30 minutes of when the tsunami was generated. Consequently, anyone in a coastal area who feels a strong earthquake should take that as a natural warning that a tsunami may be imminent and leave low lying coastal areas. In 2004 when the Indian Ocean tsunami many women and children were killed, because women were waiting for their husbands to reurn from fishing and children were just to weak to fight the strong currents.

            A tsunami is not just one big wave, but a series of waves called a “wave train.” The time period between waves is called the “wave period” and can be between a few minutes and two hours. The first wave is not usually the strongest but later waves, may be significantly large. I think a tsunami is very dangerous because we don´t know when or where is going to happend but we can take preventive methods to try to survive.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Our Farewell Party

         Academic Writting is going to end so we are organizing a farewell party to spend time together as a group without work or essays to write. We are going to have it on Wendsday 4 of this month, it is only to relax and have fun. All the group need to participate because it is an activity for us, and to know us better. The farewell party it is going to be in the college english classroom, we are going to bring food like pizza, even if the teacher doesn´t like it but for her we are going to bring tuna salad and fruit, also potatoes chips, cupcakes or a cake, for drinks we are going to bring soda and a bottle of juice.

         We have already had a party two weeks ago, but it was only to have fun between us, and it was awesome I didn´t expect that much food, and the feeling of eating together and feeling relax while talking. I think it is a good idea to have this party because we are a great group and we don´t know if we are going to be toghether next semester.

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

My Favorite Book Genre

         Have you ever feel involved in a story that doesn´t belongs to your life? Well that is kind of similar reading romantic books. Americans spend 150000 minutes reading romance novels every day. This is the equivalent of flying around the world on a commercial jet 59 times. Romance books are not only interesting also makes you feel excited about the story and envolves you into it.

           Romantic novels could be really interesting maybe not all the stories could be attractive for you but there are many options which you can choose.The stories that these books narrate sometimes are real stories or testimonies. This particular characteristic makes it more attractive because you know that in some point of the history this situation happened and it could be used to learn about it. But even if it´s an invented story, like Pride and Prejudice, it could be very good.

             Romance books makes you get into the story and  once you have already started you will never want to stop reading. This kind of reading is not only interesting you can also feel identified with a character or a situation, something that you lived, dreamed or thought. For example the popular saga of twilight, that tells a story of a girl and a vampire, raised up so quickly because a lot of girls wanted to be the principal character because the story envolved them so much that they believe that it was true. That is why this type of reading is so addicting, because the writer make you feel, think and be in the story.

             In ancient Egypt, the libraries were called the "Treasures of the remedies of the soul" because through them could "cure" ignorance, the most dangerous diseases. That is why I love reading even if is not romance novels all readings gives you knowledge, but romantic novels are more exciting, beautiful and envolving than other genres. 

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014


1) When she arrived home
2) Her first toy
3) When she took out the trash
4) When she escape from home
 5) Her first bath

          Kira is my first pet in my hole life, she is a belgain shelpherd and in june she is going to be one year old. The first day she arrived home she was very scared from us and the new place that she didn´t know. And the night of that day she was so sad that she start crying.

          When I hear it I though that she might feel lonely without her mother and brothers. So I went to my room, looked around my bed searching for a teddy to give her as a toy. I chose a fuchsia pink teddy bear the I went to the place where she was and show her teddy.

          She first didn´t recognize or understand what the teddy was, so I started moving the toy around her and making funny noises like she were a baby and she took it with her mouth. Since that day she has never left that toy for nothing. Once my neighbor´s dog stole her teddy and Kira went to her house and took it back. Even my mom has bought her many toys and balls but her favorite is the pink teddy that I gave her.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

A Popular Food In My Country

        Chinese food is one of the most varied foods around the world. Did you know that in Mexicali are around 200 Chinese food restaurants? Well with those numbers it is obvious that this type of food is very popular in the city because it is tasty and it has a big variety.

        Chinese chefs in Mexicali are very good cooks they know how to prepare food for Mexican. There is a lot of population in the city with different preferences, the advantage here in Mexicali is that there are a lot of Chinese restaurants with a great variety of styles, so they can please all the people. Chinese cooks combine traditional recipes with Mexican species so Mexican people like it. That is why this food specially in Mexicali is so tasty because it is a fussion.
        There are many restaurants and each one prepares the same dishes but different recipes. These restaurants have a lot of dishes which makes them very varied. This is a great advantage because you can choose from many options, for example in my case I don´t like Chinese soup and chun-kun but the rice and red meat is delicious for me. I have tried Chinese food in the Unitated States of America and was awful, the food doesn´t have any flavour. I don´t know how do to describe it but it isn´t tasty.

In conclusion Chinese food has a lot of dishes wich you can choose and it also has a lot of options, it is prepared with traditional recipes but they add Mexican species. That is why I like Chinese food so much, because it is tasty, varied and the amounts of food are really big so I can share it.